Mount Pleasant Cemetery

T his website is both a tribute and an invitation: a tribute to the courage, principle and vision of a small but tenacious group who, in a memorable display of community spirit between 1873 and 1903, left an indelible imprint on the towns of Cape Elizabeth and South Portland for all of us to share.









According to history, they were “56 irate women and nine business gentlemen” who composed two separate neighborhood groups, the Evergreen Circle of Point Village (Willard area) and the Samaritan Society of Ferry Village — at the time, contiguous neighborhoods in the northern section of Cape Elizabeth that included Meeting House Hill.

In 1874, they set out to upgrade a briar patch in the north end of Cape Elizabeth that had overgrown the parish burial ground. Their struggle was to alter the ‘picture of neglect and desolation” that had befallen the entire area.

They later incorporated that tiny cemetery, along with other adjacent parcels. as the Mount Pleasant Cemetery Corporation. By limiting its use to only descendents of its early lot owners and future residents of South Portland and Cape Elizabeth, they created what has become an historic and distinguished community burial ground.

There will come a time when all available space has been filled. But decades of prudent financial stewardship and community support have maintained this civic treasure throughout the centuries.

We, therefore, invite you to consider Mount Pleasant Cemetery in your own plans as a final resting place



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